High Temperature FIlter Bags For Boilers

As we know bag filters are used in boilers to control air pollution and remove particulates out of air or gas released. But there are several industrial hot water boilers, each with its specific purpose. One type is high-temperature hot water boilers, which produce hot water at temperatures above 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Medium-temperature hot water boilers typically produce water at temperatures between 212 and 248 degrees Fahrenheit, and low-temperature hot water boilers produce water at temperatures below 212 degrees Fahrenheit.

These hot water boilers used different dust collector filter bags. which is manufactured by Amrit Filtration Equipments. We manufacture PTFE, Aramid, P-84, Glass Fiber, and PPS Filter bags these bags have their own specific working on different temperatures.

High Temperature Media Used In Boiler

FiberTensile StrengthAbfation ResistanceAcid ResistanceAlkali ResistanceHydrolysisMax Continuous Temperature


AverageFairExcellentExcellentExcellentUp to 135° C


Very goodFairGoodFairExcellentUp to 260° C

Meta Aramid

ExcellentExcellentFairGoodGoodUp to 204° C


ExcellentExcellentFairGoodGoodUp to 237° C


ExcellentExcellentFairGoodGoodUp to 237° C

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